2013年8月5日 星期一

How to use the Nuskin Galvanic Spa with Chinese pressure point

How to use the Nuskin Galvanic Spa
                                               如何使用修身美顏 SPA 機

           Nuskin Galvanic Spa

              Guidelines for Pressure                                                                  Point Facial Rejuvenation

  1. Clean face.
  2. Affix “Body Conductor”, set “ 1  ”  ,  your hand should be damp when holding onto the Conductive Panel of the Galvanic Spa.
  3. Spread “ageLOC pre-tretment gel - White” on one side of face.
  4. Apply pressure on the pressure points following instructions in the diagram. (Figure 1)
  5. Repeat 6 times for each set of pressure points, use even strength.
  6. After finishing with the pressure points, massage face following the direction of Figure 2, apply some pressure for upward strokes. Each strokes should stay as the hair line areas for a few seconds.
  7. After completing one side of face, repeat procedures 3-6 on the other side.
  8. Upon completion, wash face, spread “ageLOC Treatment Gel - Blue” on whole face.
  9. Affix “Face Conductor”, set “ 2 ” . 10. Massage face following the direction of Figure 2. 11. Wash face upon completion. Then apply Celltrex to moisturize face.


  1. 清潔面部。
  2. 將美顏Spa換上身體導頭,設定「 1 」,持機的手必須濕潤以通電流。
  3. 在一邊面塗上「ageLOC 淨膚精華 – 白色」 ,依照穴位圖所示,按壓穴位。(圖一)
  4. 每組穴位按壓六次,力度均勻。
  5. 完成穴位按壓後,依圖二按摩面部,向上按壓時需稍為用力,並在髮際邊停留數秒。
  6. 完成一邊面後,在另一邊面重覆以上 3–5程序。
  7. 完成後,清洗面部,將美顏Spa換上面部導頭 。
  8. 在全面塗上「 ageLOC 修護精華 - 藍色」。(包括左右兩邊面)
  9. 開啟美顏Spa,設定「 2 」,依圖二按摩面部。
  10. 完成後,清洗面部,再塗上修護液滋潤肌膚。



  1. The Galvanic Spa must be used together with Nuskin “ageLOC Pre-Treatment Gel” and “ageLOC Treatment Gel”, because these two products contain electricity ions and produce the best results with the Galvanic Spa.
  2. If upon contact with skin the Galvanic Spa does not produce a beeping sound, it could be that the skin is too dry. Please drink one glass of water (to improve conductivity), then restart again.


  1. 使用美顏Spa時,必須配合Nuskin公司的「ageLOC 淨膚精華」及「ageLOC 修護精華」,因此兩款產品含電離子,與美顏Spa配合使用方可產生效果。
  2. 如美顏Spa接觸皮膚而沒有發出響聲,也許是皮膚太乾燥,請喝一杯水以助通電流。

The Pressure point on the face

1. Yangpai 陽白                         2. Tsanchu 攢竹
3. Yuyao 魚腰                           4. Ssuchukung 絲竹空  
5. Taiyang 太陽                         6. Chingming 晴明   
7. Chengchi 承位                      8. Tungtzuliao 瞳子髎  
9. Szupai 四白                         10. Shangkuan 上關
11. Yinghsiang 迎香                12. Chuliao 巨髎
13. Chuanliao 顴髎                 14. Jenchung 人中 
15. Titsang 地倉                      16. Chiache 頰車
17. Hsiakuan 下關                   18. Chengchiang承漿
19. Taying 大迎                       20. Jenying 人迎
21. Shuitu 水突                       


Galvanic Spa System - Guidelines for Pressure Point 

                                        Body Shaping

1.  Clean the abdomen.

2.  Affix “Body Conductor”, set “ 4 ” , your hand should be damp when holding onto the panel of the Galvanic Spa.

3. Spread “ageLOC Body Shaping Gel” on body, following the instructions of the Figure 1 and 2, massage Ren Meridian (任脈) in a clockwise-circular motion for 10 times, so as to activate the organs.

4.   Apply pressure following the direction of Figure 3 (a) (b) which helps to strengthen the functions of liver, spleen, and increase mammary gland for female. Also enhances weight management result.

5. Following the instructions of the diagram (Figure 4), apply pressure on the following pressure points.

6.   Repeat Figure 4 for 5 times or press each pressure point for 1 min.

7. Upon completion, massage abdomen with the body conductor. Hold the Galvanic Spa perpendicularly to the abdomen, and massage abdomen following “zigzag” motions (see Figure 5). The pressure applied during massage must be enough to penetrate deep into abdominal muscles, rather than just touching the surface.

8.  Upon completion, clean abdomen and apply “ageLOC Dermatic Effects Contouring Lotion” to help reduce cellulites formation.

9.  Daily treatment is recommend for best results.

Pressure Point


No. of times to apply pressure

1. Tienshu

3 finger-widths apart from the navel, left & right

2. Taheng

5 finger-widths apart from the navel, left & right

3. Chihai

2 finger-widths below the navel





3.塗上「ageLOC 纖體緊緻凝膠」,依圖一和圖二所示,順時針方向各按摩十次,活化任脈,強壯內部器官。









1. 天樞

肚臍旁開約2, 左右各一

2. 大橫

肚臍旁開約1手掌, 左右各一

3. 氣海





1.使用美顏 Spa 時,必須配合本公司的「ageLOC 纖體緊緻凝膠」 ,因為此產品含電離子,與美顏 Spa 配合使用方可產生效果。


1.Galvanic Spa must be used together with our company’s “ageLOC Body Shaping Gel”, because this product contains electricity ions which produces the best results with the Galvanic Spa

2.Stop the treatment for the first two days of menstruation. 

           Galvanic Spa System – Guidelines for Trimming Arms

Effective arm trimming depends on the flow of the lymph nodes and meridians of neck, collarbone, armpit and scapula. Please refer to “Guidelines for Meridian and Lymphatic Massage”

1.Clean arm.
2.Affix “Body Conductor”, set “ 4 ” , your hand should be damp when holding onto the conductive panel of the Spa instrument.
3. Follow the instruction of Figure 1 and 2, apply “ageLOC Body Shaping Gel” on the arm, massage in a circular movement from elbow then up to armpit. 
4. Massage from the back scapula massage to armpit for a few seconds. (Figure 3) 
5. Upon completion, clean arm and apply “ageLOC Dermatic Effects Contouring Lotion” to enhance the trimming effect. 
6. Finally, rotate shoulder from front and back each for 20 times, which helps to relieve shoulder tension and keep scapular muscles strong. (Figure 4) 
7. Daily treatment is recommend for best results.



2.將美顏Spa換上身體導頭 ,設定「4」,持機的手必須濕潤以通電流。
3.塗上「 ageLOC 纖體緊緻凝膠」,用劃圈方式由手肘起向上按摩整條手臂至腋下。 (圖一及圖二)
5.完成後,清潔手臂,並塗上「 ageLOC 盈肌纖體露」以加強纖臂效果。
6.最後將兩肩往前及後各轉動 20次,有助舒緩肩膊及結實肩胛肌肉。(圖四)


                            Galvanic Spa System – 

            Guidelines for Meridian and Lymphatic Massage

The meridians are pathways for delivering blood and chi throughout the body; lymph vessels is one of the channels for detoxification for our body. Coupled with proper massage techniques, the Galvanic Spa can help dissolve the blockages in the meridians and relieve stagnation in the flow of chi and blood, at the same time strengthen the lymphatic system and help to drain the body’s toxins, hence reducing blotting. Before and after a meridian and lymphatic massage, please drink one glass of water to help detoxification.

1.Clean the body.

2.Affix “Body Conductor”, set “ 4 ” , your hand should be damp when holding onto the panel of the Galvanic Spa.

3.Spread “ageLOC Body Shaping Gel”, massage part (a) .

4.Following the diagram, if the lymph node (the circle area) is too thick, massage the area for 1 minute first.

5.Repeat each massage direction for 6 times. The massage motions should always be unidirectional, not in upward then downward strokes.

6.The above procedure takes a total 10-15 minutes. Recommended to do the treatment twice per week.




2.將美顏Spa換上身體導頭 ,設定「4」,持機的手必須濕潤以通電流。

3.塗上「 ageLOC 纖體緊緻凝膠」,依圖中所示,先按圖中(a) 部分。
5.以上程序需時約10-15分鐘,建議每星期進行 2次。


                                    Galvanic Spa System - 

                Guidelines for relieving neck and back pain

1.Clean neck and back.

2.Affix “Body Conductor”, set “ 4 ” , your hand should be damp when holding onto the conductive panel of the Galvanic Spa.

3.Spread “ageLOC Body Shaping Gel” on the pressure points as illustrated in the diagram on the right.

4.Follow the direction in the diagram, massage both sides adjacent to the spine. Press and hold for a few seconds on different points as you move along to release tension and pain.

5.Massage according to the direction as illustrated in . Use circular motion for a few seconds as shown in .

6.Upon completion, wipe off the gel and apply “IceDancer” to sooth aches and pain.



3.塗上「 ageLOC 纖體緊緻凝膠」,先按圖上的穴位。

4.依圖所示,按摩脊骨兩旁與肌肉間的隙位,每處停留數秒, 以舒筋活絡,解除神經線和微血管的黏稠。


                                   Galvanic Spa System – 

                  Guidelines for Pressure Point Hair Care

The head is a converging point for many meridians, it carries numerous vital pressure points. The Galvanic Spa has a hair-care function that, when used together with the “Nutriol Hair Fitness Treatment”, not only can strengthen hair follicles, improve hair texture, but also clear blockage in the meridians and improve blood circulation in the head, promoting overall wellness in the body.

1. After shampooing and conditioning the hair, dry hair with a towel.

2.Take one “Nutriol Hair Fitness Treatment” and apply it evenly on the scalp and the root of the hair.

3.Affix “Hair Conductor” , set “ 5 ” , your hand should be damp when holding onto the conductive panel of the Galvanic Spa system.

4.Apply pressure on the “Paihui” at the top of head, “Fengfu” and “Fengchi” close to the neck (Figure1).

5.Following the instruction of Figure 2, 3 and 4, rub the scalp with the Galvanic Spa in slow, steady motions.

6.Style hair as usual. No washing is required.




2.將“Nutriol 健髮滋養液”均勻滴於頭皮及髮根上。

3.將美顏Spa換上護髮導頭,設定 「5」,持機的手必須濕潤以通電流。

4.輕按頭頂「百會穴」、頸背後髮際的「風府穴」、「風池穴」各數秒 。 (圖一)



1                                                                           2                                                                            3    

                                 Meridians which helps 

   Body Slimming and Facial Rejuvenation 

                           有 助 纖 體 美 容 的 經 絡

Massage Pressure Points of Gallbladder Meridian of Foot 


•Stimulate the bile secretion, to help in food emulsification and absorption
• Improve cholesterol index
•Apply pressure on Kunlun (昆崙穴) at the outside ankle lateral (on Meridian of Gallbladder at Foot) for detoxification purpose.

•刺激膽汁分泌,在腸管內幫助食物中的脂 質乳化及吸收,有效降低膽固醇

Massage Pressure Points of Spleen Meridian of Foot (脾經)

•Enhance digestion system and produce energy
•Improve blood circulation; prevent dizziness

•Improve the metabolism of sugar

•Treat Gout

•Focus massage on foot

•主運化 ,反應在胃腸疾病,增強消化力,產生能量
•主統血 ,提升氣血,改善手腳冰冷,易頭暈的情況

Massage Pressure Points of Stomach Meridian of Foot (胃經)

•Treat digestive disorders: gastroptosis, edema, dropsy, gastric, vomiting

•Treat eyes, nose, mouth, toothache, headache, mental illness

•Massage the pressure points on the thigh along Meridian of Stomach can tighten face muscles and improve eye bags

• 主治胃腸病(腹脹,水腫,胃痛,嘔吐),頭面五官病(目、鼻、口、齒痛)、頭痛、神志病

• 按摩大腿上的胃經部分有效提升面部肌肉的緊緻度,改善黑眼圈和眼袋

Massage Pressure Points of Colon Meridian of Hand (大腸經)

•Treat respiratory diseases - colds, bronchitis, fever, headache, cough

•Treat craniofacial diseases - headache, toothache, conjunctivitis, tinnitus, deafness, Sanyi neuralgia, rhinitis, nasal pain

•Reduce rectal diseases

•治療呼吸道疾病 - 感冒,支氣管炎,發燒,頭痛,咳嗽

•治療頭面疾病 - 頭痛,牙痛,結膜炎,耳鳴,耳聾,三义神經痛,鼻炎,鼻痛

                                                                                                                     Five Pressure Points for                                                            Good Health and Anti-aging



Hegu (合谷)
Neiguan (內關)

Zusanli (足三里)
Sanyinjiao (三陰交)

Taichong (太沖)

Hegu (合谷)
Colon Meridian of Hand (大腸經)


Place the 1st inner horizontal line of the right thumb onto the intersection point between the thumb & index finger of the left hand. Then press the right thumb onto the left hand. The Hegu of left hand is where the tip of right thumb rested on.



Healings :
good for curing oral and facial diseases, esp. headache, eye fatigue and digestive disorders. And also improve acne, rough skin and eye bags.


Remarks: can’t apply during pregnancy (不適合孕婦)

Neiguan (內關)
Pericardium Meridian of Hand (心包經)


Palm facing upward. 3 finger-width from the 1st horizontal line of the wrist joint. Neiguan is between 2 tendons.



To regulate the functions of heart, both at the physical level and the metaphysical level.
e.g. Blood pressure, chest pain, stroke, anxiety, dizziness from depression,
nervousness etc.

Zusanli (足三里)
Stomach Meridian of Foot (胃經)


On the anterior lateral side of the leg, about 4 finger-widths below the knee


Known for enhancing longevity; and prevents various chronic diseases. Also good for digestive system, respiratory system, urinary system; and improves blood circulation.

有「長壽穴」之稱, 對各種慢性疾病有效。對消化系統、呼吸系統、泌尿系統等有效。可改善虛弱體質,促進血液循環,延緩老化。

Sanyinjiao (三陰交)
Spleen Meridian of Foot (脾經)


4 fingers-width above the ankle bone, on the edge of tibia bone, towards the inside of the leg.



As its name states it is the meeting point of three meridians of the legs; spleen, liver and kidney. It treats reproductive and urinary disorders. It can improve lower body fatness, dropsy, and enhances functions of spleen, liver, kidney, as well as hormone. It is a major pressure point for anti-aging.

脾、肝、腎三經交會處, 應用範圍相當廣。主治男女生殖及泌尿系統症狀。另外,可改善下半身肥胖、水腫、提高脾、肝、腎功能、調整荷爾蒙, 是抗衰老主要穴位。

Liver Meridian of Foot (肝經)


In the hollow (2 finger-widths from the gap) at the junction of the first and second toe bones.



To promote the free and easy flow of Qi in the body. Gives liver better functions, and helps to remove facial freckle, helps firming of skin and anti-aging.

太沖是肝經的重要穴位,有體內「菊花茶」之稱, 可以瀉肝火、理血通絡、 消除面部斑點,緊緻肌膚, 是重要美顏、保建、抗衰老穴位。

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